Eco-Friendly Wallpaper: Sustainable Style for Your Space

Embrace Eco-Friendly Wallpaper: Sustainable Style for Your Space


In the quest for more sustainable living, every aspect of our daily lives comes under scrutiny. From our food choices to transportation habits, consumers are increasingly seeking ways to minimize their environmental footprint. One area that often gets overlooked in this conversation is interior design. Yet, the choices we make in decorating our homes can have a significant impact on the planet.

Enter eco-friendly wallpaper, a stylish solution for environmentally conscious decorators.


What Makes Wallpaper Eco-Friendly?


Eco-friendly wallpaper is characterized by its use of sustainable materials and production methods. Here are some key features that distinguish it from conventional wallpaper:

1.         Recycled Materials: Many eco-friendly wallpapers are made from recycled materials such as post-consumer waste paper or reclaimed fibers. By giving new life to discarded materials, these wallpapers reduce the demand for virgin resources and divert waste from landfills.

2.         Sustainable Fibers: Instead of relying on non-renewable resources like vinyl, eco-friendly wallpapers often use natural fibers such as bamboo, hemp, or jute. These materials are renewable, biodegradable, and often grown without the use of harmful pesticides or fertilizers.

3.         Low VOCs: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemicals emitted by conventional paints and wallpapers that can contribute to indoor air pollution and have adverse health effects. Eco-friendly wallpapers are typically produced without VOCs or with significantly lower levels, promoting healthier indoor air quality.

4.         Water-Based Inks: Traditional wallpaper printing methods often involve solvent-based inks that release harmful chemicals into the environment. Eco-friendly wallpapers are printed using water-based inks, which have lower environmental impact and produce vibrant, long-lasting colors.

5.         Biodegradable: At the end of its lifecycle, eco-friendly wallpaper can be disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner, either by composting or recycling, minimizing its impact on the planet.


Benefits of Eco-Friendly Wallpaper

1.         Reduced Environmental Impact: By choosing eco-friendly wallpaper, you're supporting sustainable manufacturing practices and reducing the demand for environmentally harmful materials.

2.         Healthier Indoor Environment: With low VOCs and non-toxic materials, eco-friendly wallpaper contributes to a healthier indoor environment, especially important for those with allergies or respiratory issues.

3.         Unique Aesthetic: Eco-friendly wallpaper comes in a wide range of designs and patterns, allowing you to express your personal style while knowing you're making a positive environmental choice.

4.         Durability: Despite being made from sustainable materials, eco-friendly wallpaper is often just as durable and long-lasting as its conventional counterparts, ensuring years of enjoyment without the need for frequent replacement.

5.         Contribution to Circular Economy: By opting for recycled materials and supporting sustainable production methods, you're contributing to a circular economy where resources are reused and waste is minimized.


Tips for Choosing and Installing Eco-Friendly Wallpaper

1.         Research Brands: Look for reputable brands that prioritize sustainability and transparency in their manufacturing processes. Check for to ensure the product meets environmental standards. At The Wallpaper People we have done the hard work for you. We have manufacturers that meet environmental standards and have an amazing wallpaper eco range.

2.         Consider the Environment: Think about the environmental impact of the wallpaper beyond just its materials. Choose designs that you'll be happy with for years to come to minimize the need for replacement.

3.         Proper Installation: Proper installation is key to maximizing the lifespan of your wallpaper. Make sure to follow manufacturer guidelines and consider hiring a professional if you're not confident in your DIY skills.

4.         Maintenance: Extend the life of your wallpaper by properly maintaining it. Follow care instructions and avoid harsh cleaning chemicals that could damage the material or impact indoor air quality.


Embrace Sustainable Style

Eco-friendly wallpaper offers a stylish and sustainable way to enhance your living space. By choosing materials that prioritize the health of both your home and the planet, you can create a space that reflects your values and supports a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. So, why not embrace eco-friendly wallpaper and make a positive impact, one wall at a time?


So the big question, do we have a range of Eco-Friendly Wallpaper.

Yes we do. We have started categorising our wallpaper to make it easier to search. You can look under theme and then select Eco Friendly or Natural Fibres. You will find a range of Grasscloth, Cork, Paperweave and many more options. 

We also have adhesive that is starch based.